Kamis, 12 November 2009

Interpersonal communication is a Transactional process

Interpersonal communication is a Transactional process
Interpersonal communication is best viewed as an ever changing process. Everything involved in interpersonal communication is in a state of flux :
You are changing, the people your communicate with are changing, and your environment is changing. Sometimes these changes go unnoticed and sometimes they intrude in obvious ways, but they are always occuring.


Interpersonal communication is a transactional process
A transactional perspective views interpersonal communication as a process with the elements that are interdependent. Figure visually explains this transactional view and distinguishes it from two earlier views of how interpersonal communications works


Interpersonal communication is a transactional process
A transactional perspective views interpersonal communication as a process with the elements that are interdependent. Figure visually explains this transactional view and distinguishes it from two earlier views of how interpersonal communications works

summary of the theory of the press (END)

Because of the uniqueness of this communist press theory, Santana (2005) concluded the following.

a.Pers serve the interests of (and controlled) working class

b.Pers not be owned by "private"

c.Pers be responsive to public needs and desires class


d.People right to censor and prosecution by law to

prevent and punish when using anti publications


e.Media should be supporting progressive movement (party) "in and out" of the country.

maybe its "THE End "
thank you for your attention,iam sorry about "ENGLISH GRAMMAR" BECAUSE I AM NOT FROM ENGLISH

summary of the theory of the press (six)

4. The theory of the Soviet Communist Press

Americans usually think, people should and should have ideas or different values, thus promoting the art of deliberation and majority rule. Instead of inheriting the Soviet Karl Marx thought people should not have
different views and consensus is a sign of weakness. Marx's thinking is the basis, then continued by Lenin and Stanin.

summary of the theory of the press (five)

During the implementation of authoritarian, who had the opportunity not generate print only the group who received permission from the state. With this theory, everyone is entitled to have the media, provided that have the ability, so that ownership can be individual or group.

Release 3.Teori Social Responsibility (Social Responsibility)

Later, in the 20th century, people gradually began to stay away from a pure libertarian, replaced with a press theory of social responsibility. This theory has a major assumptions; the responsibilities inherent freedom balanced so that the liberal press should also be responsible for carrying out masarakat the functions it has.

With this theory, people who want to say something may have to use the mass media, not to those who have such permits otoriatan theory, does not have the economic capacity as libertarian theory, palagi no right at all like the Soviet Communist theory.

summary of the theory of the press (four)

Implementation of the press theory that authoritarian philosophy embraced by the state or the royal period.

2. Libertarian Press Theory

Libertarian theory according to Siebert (in Siebert, Peterson and Schramn, 1986), grew up around the late 17th century and present century later, but only developed in the 10th century. This theory of human and distort the position of countries regarded as authoritarian theory. Mansia, according to the philosophy espoused is not a creature to be prosecuted and directed.

summary of the theory of the press (three)

1.Release authoritarian theory

Historically, authoritarian theory is a theory of the press is considered the oldest and geographically is also used almost all the countries in his time. As society and technology have produced a means of communication called "mass media". Siebert (dalm Siebert, Peterson, & Schramm, 1986) emphasized, this theory forms the basis of the press systems in modern societies, as well as in countries that do not use it because it turns out this theory affect the practice of governance, which in theory does not approve the principle of authoritarian.

summary of the theory of the press (two)

along the way the press, from the beginning until now, the philosophy espoused nerbagai the press that led to the theory called the theory of the press. Therefore, in general there are four theories of the press is now well known. The fourth theory involves the Press authoritarian theory, Libertarian, Social Responsibility, and Soviet Communists. Of the four theories of it, actually there is a split share only two, namely theory and the theory of authoritarian Press Release Libertarian, because the next two theories are considered as the development of the two previous theories.

summary of the theory of the press

The press concerning the mass media now had been developing very rapidly, starting from a simple print in Roman times, now the media has become global with many kinds, including print and electronic media. In terms of shape, of course there was the print media in the form of newspapers, tabloids and magazines, while the electronic media is in the form of radio and television, and last through the internet is called e-news

(to be continued)
i am sorry about english grammar because i am not from english


The press concerning the mass media now had been developing very rapidly, starting from a simple print in Roman times, now the media has become global with many kinds, including print and electronic media. In terms of shape, of course there was the print media in the form of newspapers, tabloids and magazines, while the electronic media is in the form of radio and television, and last through the internet is called e-news.