Kamis, 12 November 2009

summary of the theory of the press (five)

During the implementation of authoritarian, who had the opportunity not generate print only the group who received permission from the state. With this theory, everyone is entitled to have the media, provided that have the ability, so that ownership can be individual or group.

Release 3.Teori Social Responsibility (Social Responsibility)

Later, in the 20th century, people gradually began to stay away from a pure libertarian, replaced with a press theory of social responsibility. This theory has a major assumptions; the responsibilities inherent freedom balanced so that the liberal press should also be responsible for carrying out masarakat the functions it has.

With this theory, people who want to say something may have to use the mass media, not to those who have such permits otoriatan theory, does not have the economic capacity as libertarian theory, palagi no right at all like the Soviet Communist theory.

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